Friday, January 27, 2012

Response to Chapter 1

            Project-based learning seems to be somewhat of a new concept.  Until the 2000’s, using technology as a way of learning didn’t exist, but as technology became more and more prominent in the word, the use of computers and the internet as a learning tool has become a valuable resource.  As a child in elementary school, I do not recall using or being taught about technology, ever! Once I got to high school, we were allowed to use computers, primarily to type papers or power points for assignments.  After reading this chapter in the book, a lot of teachers, are trying to incorporate technology in the classroom, even for the elementary aged child.  I never experienced that, and if I had I think I would be a little more knowledgeable about the Internet and other technological devices.  A lot of parents and some teachers believe that using technology to learn is inappropriate, because of gaming and social networks, which is a big reason why I think we were not given such opportunities to use computers and the Internet, growing up.
            In today’s world with all of the high-tech laptops, cell phones and tablets, being able to use one properly and efficiently is a good thing to know.  And now that a lot of teachers are trying to push the use of these technological devices into the educational setting, it is only going to benefit the children.  Not only that, but a lot of companies require their employees to know how to use some of those resources, so being taught from a young age and continuing the learning process throughout your educational career, will really be helpful when one peruses a career in which he or she will need to have knowledge about those aids.
            I, personally think using computers as a learning tool is great, I do not see how it can be harmful.  I also think, though, that we shouldn’t stop or minimize the use of libraries or books because of the Internet, but we should utilize all resources, as they are all very important. After reading this chapter in the textbook, I found all of the positive learning skills in which students develop.  From communication skills, time management, inquiry skills, to having the understanding of how the world works all around.  Although, I never experienced technology as a learning tool in grade school, I do know how valuable it is and how beneficial it can be, if used in the correct manner for children.  As a future teacher, I will use the Internet and computers for many educational projects.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you as a student in elementary school I was not required to use the computer at all for any reason really other than the optional computer games that were available for indoor recess. Technology is a huge part of our society and we do need to teach children how to become more comfortable with it. I also agree that by teaching them at a young age the benefits technology brings they will develop more skills for when they will need it in the future.

    I agree with you on the fact that computers as a learning tool are great but i do see how they can be harmful. Recently in a class i am taking we were discussing how some states are requiring high school students to have a minimum hours of online classes to graduate. The part where technology is becoming a problems is that these schools are also seeing that teachers are not needed as much, because students can take some classes online. Therefore, I can see where they are helpful, but i do not think they should be pushed to the point where teachers are slowly being eliminated.
